Chromosome Mapping And GEDmatch: An Overview Of What They Are And What The Benefits Are

As I’ve been contacting the Ancestry DNA matches of the tests I oversee, I’ve found many people are interested in chromosome mapping and/or GEDmatch, but have questions about what they are, what the benefits are, and what the privacy implications are. My goal in writing this post is to address these questions and offer some simple, easy to understand answers. Continue reading

Oyster Bay Wright DNA Test 67 Marker Results

The Y-DNA 67 marker test results of the Oyster Bay Wright descendant have been completed and are now posted on the Wright Y-DNA Test Results page. The Wright DNA Project Results page should also be updated in the next few days to reflect the new results. At the 67 marker level, the Oyster Bay descendant is a match with the first five 67 marker testers in the pink section (starting with kit number 235938) at the top of the Wright DNA Project Results page, with a difference range of four, five and six steps.

Kit number 88542 is an eight step difference and is not considered close enough to be a likely match to the Oyster Bay descendant when directly comparing the two kits. However, Family Tree DNA says in their Learning Center “A 58/67 or 59/67 match between two men who share the same surname (or a variant) means it is possible but unlikely that they share a common ancestor within the genealogical time frame. If you test additional individuals you may find the person whose DNA results falls in-between the persons that are 8 or 9 apart demonstrating relatedness within this family cluster or haplotype.” Therefore, if the true DNA signature of the Oyster Bay progenitor was the same as the DNA signature of kit number 235938, both the Oyster Bay descendant and kit number 88542 would be matches and therefore closely related. This possibility must be kept in mind since there is no way to positively know what the true DNA signature of the Oyster Bay progenitor was, and we have to rely on a derived DNA signature to base comparisons off of.

This means that, in all likelihood, the pink section (starting with kit number 235938) at the top of the Wright DNA Project Results page is indeed the Oyster Bay Wright group, and the Flushing Wright family and Oyster Bay Wright family are not closely related along their direct paternal lines. Learning this will be a great help in knowing where to focus my future research efforts to locate the correct ancestral family for my Wright line’s earliest known ancestor, Gabriel Wright.