Clan MacGregor DNA Comparison

In order to further test the family legend of one of our Wright ancestors having been the leader of Clan MacGregor in Scotland, I compared the Y-DNA results of the three Gabriel Wright descendants who have tested to date with the two official DNA modal signatures of the Clan Gregor Society of Scotland I recently found at Family Tree DNA (,macgregor,macgregor/default.aspx?section=news). As I suspected was likely the case, in another apparent nail in the coffin of the family legend, the DNA test results of the three Gabriel Wright descendants are dramatically different from both of the official Clan MacGregor signatures, with a difference of twelve markers out of thirty-seven for my uncle’s test (kit number 280291) against each of the official signatures. Attached below is a screenshot of the comparisons.

Based on this comparison, along with the several matches ( of the three test participants to men having the Wright surname (including at least two who trace their Wright lineages back to Long Island, New York, in the latter half of the 1600s), it seems very unlikely that the family legend is accurate. This still leaves the question of where did Gabriel Wright originate from, however, and I’m hoping that the Wright descendant DNA testing I’m continuing to seek participants for may soon provide an answer.
