Luark/Lewark DNA Testing Update

A cousin with a paper trail leading back to John Luark/Lewark has taken advantage of the Family Tree DNA holiday sale and ordered a Y-DNA test. He is descended from the marriage of John Luark/Lewark to Mary Elizabeth Hutton. While researches have always been under the belief that the John Luark/Lewark who married Catherine (Varner) Alderman (my line) is the same John Luark/Lewark who married Mary Elizabeth Hutton (my cousin’s line), I have yet to find anything definitive to verify this. The results of this new test, in comparison to the results of the test my other Luark cousin previously took, should finally be able to answer this with a great degree of certainty. Based on the autosomal DNA comparisons we have previously done, we will both be quite surprised if this new test result does not show a match, although the possibility of an undocumented adoption or non paternal event in either of our lines must always be kept in the back of our minds when doing DNA testing. Results are expected about mid January.