Wade DNA Test Results

The Y-DNA 12 marker test results of the descendant of the George Wade family of Monongalia County, Virginia (now West Virginia), have come back and are now posted on my Wade Y-DNA Test Results page. There were two exact matches who shared the surname of Wade (or a variation thereof). One of these matches had a family tree connected to his test results, and I can clearly see he is also a descendant of George Wade, and he was kind enough to give me permission to include his partial lineage on my website. He is descended from a different son of George Wade than the descendant I had take the test, and they are both descended from a different son than my line descends from. Provided this match continues to hold up when refined to 37 markers, or preferably 67 markers, these results will go a long ways toward verifying the lineage back to George Wade, and subsequently trying to verify the correct ancestral family of George so that the line can be extended further back in time. This gets things off to a very good start.

While I have little doubt this match is accurate, given the vast amount of research and documentation available for the Monongalia County Wade family, for future comparisons against other potential Wade ancestral families, the match needs to be confirmed to at least the 37 marker level, and preferably to the 67 marker level. I’m working with the match to see about doing this test upgrade. In the meantime, the other match had no family tree connected to his results, and an email address that is no longer valid. I believe I have located an updated email address for him, and am now waiting to hear back as to whether it is indeed him, and if so, what his lineage is.

Wade DNA Test

A descendant of George Wade (Senior) of Monongalia County, Virginia (now West Virginia), contacted me back in April, after coming across my website while researching his family line. After he clarified his lineage, I realized he was a direct paternal line descendant of George, and asked him about DNA testing. He has been kind enough to agree to help me with testing, and his Y-DNA test is now pending.

There have been a couple of possible ancestral families for George Wade that researchers have proposed over the years. The vast majority of researchers attribute Andrew Whitta/Wade (who married Mary Picard) as being George’s father, while a few others attribute William Wade or Daniel Wade as being George’s father. I have yet to come across any documentation which firmly establishes who George’s father actually is. I’m hoping this pending DNA test may help to properly verify George’s father and ancestral line. Test results are expected by the middle of September.